With our easy-to-use PC application, you can finally win the search engine traffic game, once and for all.
Don't believe what people are saying. SEO isn't dead. In fact, in many ways, thanks to innovative technology, it has only gotten EASIER. You just have to know how to leverage the right data!
Hi I'm Abbas Ravji,
I want to talk to you a bit about a state-of-the-art application that my software development partners and I were inspired to create after Google's “Hummingbird” algorithm updates a couple years back.
See, that particular update gave “keyword search” a whole new meaning. It's not about individual or even multiple keyword searches anymore. Hummingbird made search much more sophisticated, and has raised the stakes of the game for everyone.
Now that Google is delving more into user psychology and their online habits, this means that you have to change the way you go after search traffic!
So if you haven't already noticed that your overall traffic from Google has been steadily going down over the past year or two, don't worry, you probably will.
This is simply because Google (and the other search engines like Bing, Yahoo, Ask.com, etc) understand the mechanics of searching more now than they ever have. And they are changing the way they deliver results and rankings, in a huge way!
As a marketer or an online business owner, it's a matter of survival that we change the way we optimize our content for Google.
And how do we do that?
Simple. By giving Google what it wants. Do that, and in time, your sites will rank.
Site owners that have figured this out are ranking better than ever by just following this advice!
Google has been clear about what it wants from its sites in order to gain ranking. The problem is that it's not so easy to discover it. It requires analysis!
Thanks to Hummingbird and all of its subsequent enhancements, the top priority now is to target content that will meet Google's demands and requirements to get ranked.
And believe it or not, the formula for achieving that is also fairly simple…
That's pretty much all it takes. Doing this creates a “win/win/win” scenario for all involved.
For Google, for the user, and of course… for you!
And yes, an easy-to-use, dynamic and powerful PC application will do all this for you, and more.
It will help you incorporate maximize the power of knowing what your niche's users are searching for, how to maximize that information, and much more!
Developed by a team of experts and leading-edge SEO marketers with 12 years of experience!
This product has been fully battle-tested and proven to leverage Google, along with eight other search platforms.
Since 2013, it has been installed and used by over 5,000 users worldwide… and counting!
What makes HQSuggest unique is that it evolves with Google.
Whenever Google updates its algorithm with any new changes, parameters or requirements, HQSuggest will automatically respond with its own update.
You will instantly know what is needed to keep your sites loved by Google... quickly and easily!
Abbas, this may very well be the best little investment in a keyword related tool all year - I've been actively looking for something like this (Wordtracker Questions closed down) and the "cost to value ratio" is off the chart.
Well played!!!
Your emails to me have just moved up to "must open"
I just want to than Abbas for another nice piece of software at a reasonable price. I have a bunch of keyword tools and this one will fit in nicely. The questions and how to features are great as are the different search variables. I grabbed the dev version and the ability to add our own input to the questions and how to categories to be used with all future searches is excellent. Thanks for the proxy support and it's also nice to see you are working on updates quickly. This software appears to be running relatively smoothly for me and I think this is a nice little tool that many peeps will appreciate.
Simply put, HQSuggest is the only SEO marketing/research tool you will ever need.
HQSuggest leverages Google's “Hummingbird” algorithm update to help users maximize targeted traffic opportunities.
It does this by easily researching questions-based and “how-to”-oriented search queries, then provides valuable analysis and insights on how to capture more of that traffic!
This helps marketers go beyond just “keywords”, to find valuable sources of traffic derived from Google's sophisticated algorithm.
What's more, Google has constantly updated its Hummingbird algorithm over the past couple of years, as it becomes even more adept at sophisticated search query analysis.
Our team actively monitors Google's improvements and innovations with their algorithm, and regularly update HQSuggest, so it continues evolving right along with it.
This allows the application to always stay on top of Google's advances.
In fact, HQSuggest just keeps getting better and better with every update!
But here's the best part…
We don't stop with Google. HQSuggest performs a full analysis of a total of nine search engines at the same time, to find the true nuggets that users are searching in your niche!
HQSuggest performs a complete analysis based on what it finds across all of these search engines AND Google.
This makes the results generated by this intuitive app incredibly accurate and valuable to users who want to maximize their targeted traffic!
More on what HQSuggest delivers:
When you compare HQSuggest to other keyword research tools on the market, (most of which are obsolete), you will find that this tool is EASILY worth well over $200 for what it does for you.
Factor into that the value of all the new traffic you will get from this tool, and we think you will agree that if used properly, its value is PRICELESS!
Nontheless, we're determined to make this incredible program available to marketers of all types and budgets who want and need that “edge” to dominate their niche or local market!
We know HQSuggest will work for you the way it already has for tens of thousands of users worldwide, or you don't pay a cent.
Try HQSuggest for a full 30-days on us. If it doesn't deliver the way we say it does, increase your traffic, or at the very least provide you with the information you need to conquer Google and the search engines, or if you're just not satisfied for any reason, just contact us!
You'll receive a prompt, courteous refund. NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
This applies to any plan/license you purchase. Your money is fully refundable for 30 full days.
Buy with confidence!
Being a user of Leger's Keyword Snatcher, I can appreciate the value of this keyword, especially the list of value-added questions that come with this soft, and the option to add your own variations in the developer version.
Definitely worth adding to my keyword tools arsenal.
Kudos Abbas.
I to used Keyword Snatcher and although it is brilliant the lists can be so large it is another huge task to filter the data. I love the beautiful interface of this tool (just started using it like five minutes ago!) It looked like more of what I wanted and needed as far as a relevant content tool and now with Hummingbird in place, attention to user intent is more important then ever. User intent was always about learning about information and we have accomplished this by questions and answers since the beginning of time. Imagine search engine technology finally doing this now.
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Check out our FAQ Below or contact us! support@hqsuggest.com
Absolutely! Just follow the easy training that we provide via video and PDF guide, it will get you going with no learning curve!
You will be given an option to upgrade to the developer's license once you purchase the full personal version. The developer's license includes several advanced features not included in the full personal version. You also get permission to use the software to service clients, not just your own sites.
HQSuggest will run on virtually ANY windows-based computer running .net 4.0 or higher. It may run on Mac's using Parallels, but we can't guarantee performance. [change to whatever is needed]
You can contact us via our support desk directly via the software.
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